Covid Update · 24. November 2020
Meine persönlichen Erfahrungen wie es war, als ich Covid hatte.
Covid Update · 24. November 2020
My personal experience of what it was like to have Covid
Relationships · 07. Oktober 2019
When you like to crack jokes, try sticking to happy people. They will either like the joke in itself or if not, they are too happy to mind. Whereas unhappy people may snap at you even when you say something totally innocent and well intended. If you are puzzled why that is so, check out my recent experience after publishing a blog post that I had no idea could hurt a fly
Relationships · 04. Oktober 2019
Negotiating a fair division of housework is challenging. In a literary essay, I explore what is a new approach for me: could it help to discuss in advance, and pay more attention to met expectations instead of having to fight over disappointed ones?
Beziehungen · 02. Oktober 2019
Eine faire Arbeitsteilung im Haushalt auszuhandeln ist nicht einfach. Ich erforsche mit literarischen Mitteln einen für mich neuen Ansatz: im Voraus diskutieren, und erfüllte Erwartungen feiern statt über enttäuschte zu streiten
09. September 2019
It sounds rough but it comes from that muscle what is pumpin´the blood :-D
30. August 2019
Episode Zero